Saturday, May 30, 2009

ကေလးေမြးဖို႔ ဗိုက္နာသေလာ၊ အီးပါဖို႔ ဗိုက္နာသေလာ

သားဦး ကိုယ္၀န္ေဆာင္အမ်ဳိးသမီး တဦးအေနနဲ႔ ခြဲျခားမသိႏုိင္ပါ။ သိထားသင့္ေသာ အခ်က္မ်ား
False Labor
1) Contractions don't get closer together.
2) Contractions don't get stronger.
3) Contractions tend to be felt only in the front.
4) Contractions don't last longer.
5) Walking has no effect on the contractions.
6) Cervix doesn't change with contractions.

True Labor
1) Contractions do get closer together.
2) Contractions do get stronger.
3) Contractions tend to be felt all over.
4) Contractions do last longer.
5) Walking makes the contractions stronger.
6) Cervix opens and thins with contractions.

-------- The Labor Quiz --------
1) How many stages of labor are there: Three
2) The first stage of labor is: Dilation & Effacement
3) The second stage of labor is:Pushing Stage
4) The third stage of labor is:The birth of the placenta.
5) A doula is:An experienced woman to help with childbirth.
6) Breastfeeding should begin:Immediately after birth.
7) The latest cesarean birth rate is:27%
8) VBAC is:Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
To prevent an episiotomy, the following can help:
Choosing an upright position, like squatting, standing or kneeling.
Careful, gentle massage of the skin of the perineum.
Healthy, well hydrated skin.
A patient doctor or midwife.

9) Intermmitent Electronic Fetal Monitoring is:Recommended for the average low risk labor and birth.

Ref :

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